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Handwriting... HELP!
Handwriting can be a tricky skill for children to learn and those pesky U's and NI's on report cards for handwriting can worry a parent!...

Self-Regulation...What Is It? How Does It Develop?
Self-regulation is the ability to control your impulses and emotions, direct your focus and attention, and maintain a calm and organized...

Impulse Control: Strategies and Tools for Improving On-Task Behavior
Teaching any child how to resist their impulses and stay on task is a difficult feat, but teaching a child with executive functioning...

Helping Your Picky Eater Through The Holidays!
As you celebrate with loved ones, keep in mind that holiday meals are not the time to make progress in trying new foods. It is a time to...

Sensory Processing… What in the world does it all mean?!
The concept of sensory processing and sensory processing disorder has rocked the pediatric world over the last few years. Many of us are...

Social Stories… What are they and how do they help?
Social stories are short narratives aimed at describing the social rules and expected behaviors of various situations. They have been a...

Managing Meltdowns
Many parents can attest that managing their child’s meltdown is both physically and emotionally draining. You may begin to question the...

The Importance of a Positive Preschool Experience
Working with children every day, I have seen firsthand the impact of a positive preschool experience on a child’s motivation to succeed...
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